Friday, October 17, 2008

Lyon Festival of Light

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Lyon in France is host to an amazing Lighting Festival. Maybe we could learn something from their experience - I am particularly thinking about the regeneration of Limerick, which desperately needs some inspiration and hope.

As a city develops, it becomes necessary to design area-specific lighting plans including the adaptation of light to the rhythms of city life, the reduction of light pollution and in order to realise these aspirations, a bringing together of urban lighting expertise.

The Lyon region has all the necessary expertise relating to town lighting, from research, to material production, to lighting design. In September 2004, a training scheme was initiated in partnership with the AFE (Association Française de l'Eclairage, French Lighting Association), leading to the qualification of 'Outdoor Spaces Lighting Electrician'. The setting up of such a project with the French Department of Education is proof that Lyon sets a shining example - and not just in its lighting.

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